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For UG & PG Students &
Graduates (2019 or later)

India's 1st Category-driven Awards in
Architecture for Academic Projects

Pick your Category &
Submit any Design or Illustration!

Architecture & Allied PG Courses
Submit by 25 February 2023


  • Text Hover
Dev Desai
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Sonal Takkar
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Mohammad Azhar Khan
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Rahul Grover
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Anwesh Das
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Mohammed Saifiz


Introducing the Best of the Best of Star Student Awards Winners of 2019. Along with the award, they have gone on to achieve academic and/or professional success.


We reject all 'Barriers to Entry' for every kind of design discourse, and strive to create a democratic and all-inclusive design showcase platform. 

Our objective is to democratise access to, and exhibition of design. We are an online platform for organising award and design competitions, and showcasing projects of students and professionals.

You no longer need to be already established, famous and celebrated to get established, famous and celebrated! 

Design Whack shall hold a microphone for the unpublished and published, alike. We invite all professionals and students to share their design (concept and built), article and research, by going to the Publish section.